Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day four

Today is day four.
Did you ever think that guide dogs sleep during the night?  Well, I really suggest you really need to think that idea through again, like give it a lot of thought Oh wait a minute, maybe guide dogs are given to handlers with an automatic alarm feature set for 3 in the AM; I know that Jeter has one.  Jeter gets up at 3 in the AM and bumps his way around.  Well anyhow, I think I will start with how last night went.  He ate dinner, most of it.  I think I am seeing the picky shepherd showing up.  I am just thankful that he is Relieving.  I know that sometimes shepherds can stop that as well.  So, about the tub; since Jeter has stopped drinking that much, he has also stopped going in the tub.  A friend had suggested that the reason why he wants to go in the tub is to get water is a good guess.  We watched another Star Wars movie last night and no barking.  I think that one night he might have seen someone outside my place.  I made dinner, ate and spent some time with Jeter, petting and talking to him.  I have had the door open ever since Jeter has come.  The weather has been very nice and I sure my electric bill will be much nicer this month because of it.  Whining?  I knew shepherds can be vocal, but I think this one has done very well.  He only does it when he has not seen me for a little while.  I will let him whine and once he gives up on it, I will walk around the counter so he can see me.  I am still having odor concerns.  Once I am able to go on independent routs (when we are finished with training), I will see what I can do about the odor issue.

Today’s training.  Today we went to town on Metro.  This was a very different experience because of how Fidelco trains their dogs how to ride the Metro.  Yesterday when Pete and I went down on to the platform, I worked Jeter up and down the platform allowing Jeter a chance to get used to walking on the platform and the escalator.  Fidelco trains there guides to always walk on the left side; the dog will place himself between the platform edge and the handler.  So… Pete came in this morning and we chatted about life and Jeter.  Pete wants Jeter to know that when he comes that it is not at all exciting seeing him.  Every day Pete had come, we have sat down and talked to allow Jeter to calm down.  Jeter did not eat breakfast again, silly dog, and did not relieve until Pete came.  Tomorrow, I am going to feed him directly out of the crate (like today) and then I will relieve him shortly before Pete arrives.  He did not relieve until Pete came; I think it is because he is used to Pete being here.  How do I feel about Jeter?  He is growing on me.  He is such a smart dog, intelligent and willing.  I have had moments of bliss (when we are working well)and getting around obstacles that are in my way.  I think this just might be faster, getting around with a guide dog.  It is also nice to see that Jeter is starting to bond.  For example, I took him off of tie down this morning and chased him around the house.  He grabbed his bone and took off round and round he went through the kitchen, in to the dining room, around the back side of the kitchen and in to the living room.  By this point he is leaping and jumping whirling around and around.  What fun that was!

Training activities:
Today we went on to the metro itself, took the train to work, showed him where I work and then went over to where I have lunch many times.  After we went to the café, I showed him Jeter’s at work relieve area and allowed him to use it.  Then we went around the block found McDonalds and the post office and went back to the Metro.  I think we left here around 9:30 AM and got back here around 11:30 AM.  This was the only trip today because of the newness of the metro.  Every day we are doing things that are more and more challenging.

Issues we have had.  Yesterday Jeter had started hanging right (pushing me), at times, off of the sidewalk where I twisted my ankle.  This happened again today; it was not my fault.  This has happened in the past because I was out of position.  Today, I was in correct positioning (harness handle over the dog’s back).  I am also getting back in to remembering how it feels to walk with a harness handle in my hand.  Jeter is very good when he is on and is a knotty boy when he is off.  So, we walked to the Metro station the long way round so that Jeter would get more exercised .  I have found even a longer way to walk to give him more exercise.  This goes around the back of the apartment buildings.  There are several places where I could stop to relieve Jeter if necessary.  When we arrived at the metro, we worked Jeter to the turn stiles and (good boy) found the one I wanted on first try.  Fidelco dogs are trained to find the right most escalator when one approaches them.  Jeter will not do this, he will find the one in the middle.  Pete wants Jeter to always find the one on the far right.  When we got on to the platform we walked down the left.  Let me say, Jeter is supposed to walk down the left side of the platform; Pete wants Jeter to say on this side.  Jeter, on the other hand, wants to do it his way; he goes down the middle.  I would prefer Jeter to stay on the left as well.  I just have one concern, when the escalators are behind me and I need to turn around to get to them putting me on the side of the platform.  All and all, I think Jeter did a good job.  Jeter is very excited to ride the train.  Whenever a train is at the station, he finds the open door, pauses, and then we will enter.  I will need to practice finding a train that has just pulled in; this is because I stop to early and I may miss the train.  I want to make sure I made the train.  Again, all and all, seeing that this was the first time I had ridden the metro with Jeter, it went well.  Most of the mistakes that were made today were newbie ones, stopping short of the curb, running curbs and just plain messing up.  I think my favorite mess up on my part was  miss reading Jeter.  I am unsure what Jeter is trying to tell me when he stopped.  Many times, he will stop because we (Pete and I) have been helping Jeter understand clearance’s such as how far something is from me or if a tree will get me in the head or not.  Pete is very good with keeping me safe.  He will touch me if we get close to something that he thinks Jeter will miss.  Jeter is doing well.  Today is the first day that I can look back at the entire trip and have positive thoughts about it.  I am getting better at reading Jeter and Jeter is getting better at reading me.  So… I think we will now start getting in to the time where Jeter starts pushing the limits.  He has started bonding to me and he is realizing that is home.  Today is the first day I have let him have a few minutes of free of-tie down time.  Once I have gotten a bell for him, I will give him additional time off tie down.  I think it is still a little early.  Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about coming in to the office.  I found a good spot for him to lie under the desk.  He will be out of the way and will have his own spot.  This at home training is sure different.  They mix it all up, we do subway early and then go back to residential streets.  I like How Pete is doing this, he is very good.  One more thing, Jeter gets up every time I say the word okay on the phone or if I make movements like I am going to get up, even if I do not get up.  I remember both of my last two dogs doing this; it will pass once they get used to my movements and when I am really going to get up.  Let’s hope that Jeter eats tonight since he is still on antibiotics for an infection in his back left foot. 

Well, I think this is all I have for you for now.  Stay tuned in for an update on tomorrows adventure to the mall; it is supposed to be rainy tomorrow.

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