Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day one with Jeter

I will start this off by saying that Jeter is one BIG dog; Pete had him wade and he was 75 pounds on the 13th of October.  This is also when he had all of his shots. 
 What we did today:

1)      Pete came to my house around 9:30.  When he showed up, we met with Jeter outside of my house.  He was sort of happy, but not extremely so.  I could tell that he was very excited because of a new area and new environment.  We brought Jeter in to my apartment and let him settle down for a while since he had been in the crate all night.  While we waited for Jeter to settle down, we reviewed all of the documentation that came with Jeter.  After we reviewed the documentation, we took him outside for his first walk for the day.  Well actually, I went for a walk with the harness with no dog.  This is known as a Juno walk; Jeter went back in to the van.  I went for a Juno walk where I took the harness handle and Pete held the harness.  We went up to the light and came back.  When we returned, Pete got Jeter out of the van and we went over the harness.  He explained  how the harness fit together and all of the pieces of the harness.  First, he showed me how the harness handle attached to the harness body.  This was very different because all of the harness equipment I have seen the handle attached directly to the harness body itself with all mettle attachments.  With the harness Fidelco uses, the handle attaches with leather straps to the harness.  So… When I put the harness handle in my hand for the first time, it was very odd.  There were so many different things that went through my mind.  I was very nervous and also I really did not know what was going to happen when I said forward for the very first time.  This is what happened.  When I told Jeter forward, Jeter did just that, he went forward.  There was a touch of hesitancy, but all and all we were grand.  He took off with little issues and he was a very willing dog.  Pete the instructor had the leash and I had the harness handle.  I did not have the leash during this first walk.  The feeling was very different, it was like holding on to a rocking bumping cart that guided.  So… we started off with no issues and we were doing nice and good.  We came to our first stop at a driveway.  Jeter came to a stop and I followed nicely.  Things to remember during the first walk were to keep the harness handle over the back of the dog.  To do this, keep my elbow out and wrist in.  With other dogs, I never did this because of the firmer connection between the harness and the handle itself.  Having the handle connected with leather was very different and I am starting to like the idea.  So… anyway we crossed the driveway and Jeter stopped on the other side for the up curb.  I tell you this dog knows what he is doing and I am trying to learn from him.  I am sure he is wondering what the heck I am doing this silly guy who cannot understand how to walk.  I keep tripping over him, my own feet and tripping for the heck of it.  I bet he was wondering what is going on here.  We proceeded to walk and we had our first obstacle, a flag.  This flag was hanging over the sidewalk flapping away.  He did not even bat an eye at it.  He slowed down slightly and went right around the thing.  I was very surprised and pleased.  This is one of the reasons why I had decided to get a guide dog.  After this we had a bush or two that came out in to the sidewalk and again he took me in to the grass to get around it.  I was very pleased with this as well.  We walked up to the corner to the first street.  Of course this dog walked right up to the crossing and stopped like a good guide dog should do.  Now turning, this is where I had some issues with unlearning bad habits such as pulling on the harness to get the dog to turn.  So, I step back, at the same time telling Jeter to stay, and then asked him to turn right after I had stopped moving.  He turned right and we proceeded to continue on.  Now, the first street crossing.  This was a lighted intersection and Jeter was to cross and then go straight for a couple of feet and then stop.  We crossed with no issues and all went well.  During all of this walking, I had to keep reminding myself to keep my elbow out, wrist in, harness handle down and not to over step or over walk the dog.  Also remembering to keep up with the dog, don’t hurry to ketch up with the dog, remember to keep the elbow out, wrist in …  You get the point.  It is a lot to keep in mind.  We then turned right and walked down to the metro (opposite side) and finally back to the house.  We came back to the house, Pete came in with me and Jeter and I settled down for lunch.  Pete had left for lunch to give us some time adjusting to one another

2)      Pete came back after lunch and we did the same rout again.  It was better than the morning because Jeter was not as full of energy and he had time to settle down.  Jeter will have dog and people distractions.  He will also have some adjustments to make because he will be having to push around a much bigger person then he has in the past.  This walk went well also.  Pete gave me the leash for the afternoon walk.  He continued to walk with his leash attached as well.  Pete stated that he wanted to make sure that Jeter had a positive experience with me so that he (Jeter) does not become concerned about what happens; Jeter is having to adjust to a new handler.  Before the walk, I gave Jeter water and relieved him.  I tell you, this dog relieves on command.  He went right away (Pete was there for the first relieving session).  This was a good session because Jeter went right away and I am very excited about it.  I know, I know seeing a dog relieving is no big deal, but I think it is nice that he does not wait.  I am sure he will be slow with me for a while until he gets used to me.

Jeter is now lying on the floor next to my desk being quiet .  This was not the case when I first got him.  He was crying wining and carrying on because Pete was not here.  Pete had said that Jeter is a go get em dog and he wants me to be calm with him to keep him settled.  Jeter has an infection on his back left foot and the vet has him on some antibiotic’s to take care of it.  He is also a little under wait because of being in the kennel. 

 If you are wondering How do I feel now about having him?  I am a little anxious, but I also feel good.  I am also a little concerned about the match.  Time to time he will come to me and stick his nose in my side and ask for petting.  Pete had made an interesting suggestion today, do I want to keep Jeter here today or should Pete take him back with him.  He had said that first time dog  people would not know how to deal with him.  Of course I wanted to keep Jeter here, silly question.  It seems as if he is a bit anxious and has not really settled down that well.  He also keeps wining time to time.  Well, this is how Jeter is today and this is how I am feeling about Jeter today.

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